Tony Horton: “Life was good.”
Tony Horton: “How we all doing?”
Tony Horton: “I felt great, I was eating great, I had tons of energy. I was
strong. And all
of the sudden, I can’t move. I can’t get outta bed. I had an accelerated version
of what a
lot of people go through as they get older. It’s just basically muscles wasting
based on age. And this happens to everybody. And they think that’s sort of a
thing and that’s the way it’s gonna go, and they’re gonna get weaker and their
are gonna disappear. But it doesn’t have to be. There are ways to... to turn it
You know, I’m 61 years old now, you can be where I am, even if you’ve never
a day in your life.”
Tony Horton: “All those things that you’ve been doing, that have become more
you can start doing that again. Dancing. Hiking. Playing with your grandkids.
awesome and it doesn’t take that long. You’ll start noticing the difference in
just a couple
days, all by doing this one, simple thing.”
Tony Horton: “Are you ready at home???”
He’s one of the most famous fitness icons in the world...
The personal trainer to some of the biggest names in show business...
Tony Horton: “Tom Petty, Bruce Springsteen, Sean Connery”
And the creator of one of the most successful home workout programs of all
Tony Horton: “It’s never too late,”
Tony Horton...
Tony Horton: “I don’t care who you are.”
Muscled his way in to the homes of millions of Americans
Tony Horton: “It’s for real, right here right now
At all hours...
Tony Horton: “You and me...”
On every channel...
Tony Horton: “I’m just thrilled that you’re here...”
through television screens...
Tony Horton: “That you’re in the room!”
Coast to Coast
Tony Horton: “Kansas City... San Francisco... Anchorage Alaska, let me hear
But now the man known for helping people get in shape...
John Stellwag - Trained by Tony Horton:
“After doing Tony’s program for about 3 months, I...dropped almost 25
...with the toughest exercise program on the planet...
John Stellwag: “My strength was through the roof.”
Says he’s discovered a way to get strong and increase muscle mass that
require exercise.
Tony Horton: “I discovered some new clinical studies that have just blown my
mind. The
latest research is indicating that you can actually gain strength and build
muscle without
having to exercise. That is amazing!”
It took an illness—that left Horton’s physique withered, his muscles’ atrophied
Tony Horton:
“My body was completely wasting away. My muscle mass was completely
Shawna Horton – Wife:
“You’re sitting here watching this guy get skinnier and skinnier and skinnier
and his face
getting more and more sunken and his, you know, his skin hanging off of his
body and
you’re thinking, ‘when is this gonna stop’“
To send the man America associated...
“Tony Horton ladies and gentlemen”
...with health and fitness
Tony Horton: “You know, I thought, well this is it. I though I was special, Mr.
Fitness, but
in reality... I had to resign myself to thinking ‘this is what aging is.’”
...on a quest...
Tony Horton: “It was imperative for me to figure this out.” recover the strength it took him decades to build.
Tony Horton: “Trying to find a solution to get my strength and muscle back...”
Tony Horton: “I learned about this mixture of nutrients, a combination of
compounds and vitamins, in terms of regaining strength and building muscle,
it was...
as close to finding the fitness fountain of youth as I could’ve ever hoped.”
A fountain of youth that Tony Horton, today at 61-years-old, credits with
bringing his
body back...
Tony Horton: “It almost sounds too simple to be true, but I’m living proof.”
To the best shape of his life
Tony Horton:
“Hey everybody, it’s me, it’s Tony. Remember me? I’ve been through a lot in
the last
couple months and today is my first workout in 2 months....”
The illness that robbed Horton of his strength was rare..but it left him dealing
with a
condition common to almost everyone as they hit middle age.
Tony Horton:
“In a not so funny way, I had...I had an accelerated version of what a lot of
people go
through anyway as they get older.”
It’s called Sarcopenia...more commonly known as age-related muscle loss.
Sean Francis Age 65:
“My muscles probably aren’t as...strong as they used to be.”
Starting around age 40, most everyone naturally begins to lose muscle—as
much as 8-
percent each decade. That loss of muscle accelerates at age 70 —so by the
time we
reach our later years up to 50-percent of our muscle mass may be gone.
With fewer muscle fibers-the weaker you feel. The less endurance you have.
The more
energy it takes to do things. The quicker you become fatigued.
Joseph Covino
Age 51:
“It’s come to the point where it’s...become somewhat embarrassing not to be
able to do
the things I was able to do in the past.”
You may not notice the loss of muscle at first... but you’ve likely noticed the
signs of
sarcopenia as everyday activities gradually become harder to perform.
John W Allen Age 70:
“...Carrying my groceries ...”
Sean Francis Age 65:
“My laundry seems to get heavier every day.”
Helene Francis Age 74:
“Getting off the couch
is difficult
; m
y muscles are not strong enough”
Those small changes in strength that are at first just demoralizing —eventually
downright dangerous. Studies show people with age-related muscle loss are
over three
times more likely to fall.
Joseph Miller Age 73:
“I have a fear of falling on the floor and not being able to get up again.”
And that fear is real —especially if age-related muscle loss has zapped you of
strength to pick yourself back up.
Joseph Miller Age 73:
“My dad was eighty-seven, he fell on the floor and couldn't get up, and he laid
there for
hours till my stepmother came home and found him.”
A fall is often the start of a downward spiral. The weakness that caused the fall
in the
first place can be compounded by time spent recuperating.
Just 3 days in a hospital or sick bed can mean the loss of another 2 and a half
of muscle. And regaining that muscle is so hard, it often doesn’t happen.
Studies show
nearly 80% of seniors released from the hospital after a fall never regain their
strength and can no longer care for themselves on their own.
Theodore Martinez Age 51:
“I’m a caregiver for a 89 year old gentleman, and some of the things I take for
granted I
have to help him to do. Simple as using the restroom...even guide him sitting
on the
toilet, just help feeding him.”
Sarcopenia has long been considered an almost inevitable consequence of
Joseph Miller Age 73:
“Based upon what happened to my dad...I do have that fear...I’ll hit that floor
and I can’t
get back up.”
Theodore Martinez Age 51:
“Its a rude awakening to know... what life could lead you to...
and just seeing him from day to day start losing his muscle mass and strength
made me
think about what I can go through in the future.”
Currently there are no FDA-approved medications to treat Sarcopenia. So the
muscle-loss remedy experts can really recommend: do more exercise. Until
Tony Horton:
”If you asked me this advice...
two years ago before I got sick....”
“my recommendation ...would have been just more pushups ups...”
“I would’ve said, yeah more pull ups, more pushups...”
“lifting more weight...that type of thing.”
But Ironically, the man famous for working out has found a staying strong-
solution that
has nothing to do with exercise...
Tony Horton:
“I hate to admit this...but it’s true...exercise alone is not enough”
And everything to do with brand new science discovering a “missing nutrient”
Tony Horton:
“It was a combination of certain ingredients that I had never seen before”
That can easily be added into your daily routine.
Tony Horton:
All it takes is like 30 seconds a day... it is so simple”
One simple addition that Tony Horton credits with giving him his body back...
Tony Horton:
“I’m telling you man, this stuff will make a huge difference in your life.”
One simple solution that he believes can help countless others do the same.
Tony Horton:
“I can’t tell you how many people I know in their late 50s, 60s and even 70’s
that just
sort of succumb to this thing and all they needed was the information that I
have right
Information that indicates growing older does not have to mean growing
Tony Horton
I’m sure there’s something in your head that says...this is just inevitable...Well
I’m here
to tell you my friend that it’s not.”
Jeanette Vigne Age 63:
“I wanna be able to continue to dance through the evening, and go to bed
happy of like
exhaustion in a wonderful way. Not because my muscles aren't working.”
Tony Horton:
“When it comes to having the muscle strength to lift yourself off the floor
should you fall,
or to get out of a bathtub maybe by yourself, or carry groceries into the kitchen
from the
driveway, having the strength to pick up your grandkids out of the car seat.
Whatever it is that you want to do with your muscles, this combination of
nutrients will
help you do it.”
The man who made America strong once... is doing it again - only this time, it
take a workout.
Tony Horton:
“People look at me like, Tony, holy cow, what do you, how do you do it at 61?’
Well this
is the secret. This is the magic.”
But finding that secret wasn’t easy—indeed, that there was— even a secret to
was never assured
Tony Horton:
“Some people suffer...from this for decades. They never really, totally
Tony Horton: “Let’s Go!”
Tony Horton was at the peak of his health —when suddenly, in late 20-17, an
he’d never heard of before— decimated his body.
Tony Horton:
“I lost 25 pounds....25 pounds is almost close to a quarter of my total body
Tony Horton:
“Every muscle in my body just shrank and atrophied”.
Tony Horton:
“All my muscle mass almost disappeared
When Horton lost his muscle mass — he also lost the strength to move.
Tony Horton:
“When I finally started working out... I could feel my muscles, how weak they
Everything felt heavy.”
Tony Horton:
...I was so sick it was a struggle just to walk in a straight line.”
Shawna Horton:
“He took these little tiny baby steps going down the street...Getting him from
the car to
the doctor’s office 50 feet was a massive undertaking.”
Medical experts gave Horton a diagnosis
Tony Horton:
...something called Ramsay Hunt Syndrome”
But they couldn’t offer a remedy
Tony Horton:
“Even the doctors didn't know what to do... they didn’t really have an answer
— and
there’s no cure for it right?”
Shawna Horton:
Nobody could give us, really, a timeline.... we don't know how long you're
going to be
like this...”
Tony Horton:
“It went on for weeks and weeks and months and months.”
Shawna Horton:
“We don’t know if you’ll ever heal.”
Tony Horton:
“There was no sign that it was ever gonna go away.”
With doctors unable to promise he’d ever fully recover his health—Horton
searching for solutions himself.
Tony Horton:
“My illness in a sense turned out to be a blessing, ‘cause it sent me on a quest
to figure
out what I needed to do to improve my situation... to get healthy, to get strong,
to get
my muscle back.”
That quest payed-off when Horton came across some remarkable research
hinting at a
new way to build muscle.
Tony Horton
“I looked into some new astonishing research that turned everything I thought
I knew
about building muscle and strength on its head... New clinical studies show
there is a
way to get stronger and maintain your muscle mass without having to
The research that changed everything for Horton were new clinical studies on
remarkable combination of nutrients scientists are only just now beginning to
One landmark study looked at 75 female patients, all over 65-years-old, all set
to have
orthopedic hip surgeries.
Prior to surgery, researchers measured both the muscle mass size as well as
muscle strength of all 75 patients.
Then they divided the patients into two groups. The control group was fed the
post-operative nutrition plan of three meals a day.
The study group was given the same meals—but in addition—twice a day
they they
received a protein supplement made up of a powerful combination of
This (so-called) “nutrient cocktail” contained two ingredients that had never
before, been
combined in this manner.
The study spanned 30 days—but just two weeks in, already the results were
On day 15 after their surgeries, more than 81-percent of the patients given the
cocktail” were mobile—meaning up and walking around without the support of
an aid of
a walker.
While only 26% of the patients in the control group were mobile...
Even on day 30 there was no change —meaning 26% —three-quarters of the
who did not receive the protein supplement were still bedridden or wheelchair
one month after surgery!
Equally stunning: On day 30 when researchers measured each group’s
muscle mass—
the control patients showed no statistical change—while the patients given the
supplement had “significant” increases in arm circumference and muscle
An increase in muscle size and strength—despite the fact that while
recuperating from
hip surgery—none of the patients were actively exercising!
It was an outcome Horton had never seen before in his decades as a fitness
Tony Horton:
“What’s kind of remarkable about these hospital studies...and at first I didn’t
believe it, but even without exercising, the patients who took a twice daily
mixture, not
only maintain their muscle but build new muscle... that in itself is stunning.”
So, what exactly was in this remarkable “nutrient cocktail” that delivered such
unprecedented results?
Tony Horton:
There’s this molecule that scientist have discovered which is called HMB”
HMB is naturally produced when your body breaks down an amino acid called
—one of the main building blocks of muscle protein.
In over 50 published human clinical studies, HMB has been shown to increase
mass, reduce muscle damage and improve strength in adults of all ages
those 60 or older.
Tony Horton:
“These studies show that HMB can boost protein synthesis by as much as 70-
That’s amazing... for especially people my age... who wanna be able to
sustain and
maintain their muscle mass.”
The other ingredient in the nutrient cocktail may surprise you...
Tony Horton:
“Vitamin D. You know about that, you’ve heard that, you used that before,
right? And
Vitamin D does help build some muscle.”
Yes, by itself, simply boosting Vitamin D levels—can increase muscle mass.
But when
researchers combined Vitamin D with HMB—the muscle and strength building
effects of
both were multiplied!
Tony Horton:
“HMB and Vitamin D together are like boom inside your muscles.”
one study testing the two together: men and women in their mid-70
’s—recruited from
senior citizen homes— were divided into two groups.
For one full year, Group 1 took a supplement with HMB alone. Group 2 got an
HMB/Vitamin D combo.
Every three months all seniors were measured. And while both groups
showed an
increase in the
size of their muscles — ONLY the seniors taking HMB together with
Tony Horton:
“Which means with this mixture of HMB and Vitamin D, you don’t have to
worry about
getting weaker as you get older.”
The studies armed Horton with the answer for regaining his strength.
And the evidence that he had indeed found the method for recovering his full
Tony Horton:
“It kind of felt like the,
ike the holy grail...
... of getting strong and helping build muscle again.
“I didn’t even know it existed prior... a combination of ingredients that I never
heard of before...
“Two weeks into it, bang all of a sudden I am feeling stronger. I am getting
better. I am
recovering better I am sleeping better.”
People that I was training was like “Whoa look and seem more
vibrant and
younger and I said, ....This is it man, this is, this is the magic elixir, at least for
Tony Horton:
I immediately realized this break though combination of HMB plus Vitamin D
could be
life-changing. Not only for people like myself—aging-athletes trying to build
strength after an illness; But for folks facing muscle atrophy because of long
stays or prolonged bed rest; Also for seniors, who might be noticing, they just
have the strength lately to perform the ordinary activities of daily life; Even for
younger people, looking to add some “oomph” in to their workouts and build
muscle as a safeguard against the natural decline in muscle mass that begins
in middle
The knowledge that this compound could benefit millions of other people
inspired Tony
Horton to develop his own formula...using the muscle-building, strength-
nutrients tested in the clinical studies.
Tony Horton:
I worked with a cutting-edge lab to replicate exactly what was given to the
people in
those studies - the highest quality HMB and Vitamin D in the world. Then we
supercharged it with all 9 essential amino acids, including of course the all-
one for muscles:
Leucine. And we did it all by using only plant sources—so our formula
is 100-percent natural and vegan...
Introducing: High-Impact Plant Protein from PowerLife by Tony Horton...
A Next-Generation Vegan Protein powder.
Featuring HMB and Vitamin D-3 ... specifically formulated to build and
maintain healthy
strong muscle mass from middle age and beyond.
Tony Horton: “So here it is man, the next generation protein powder. It’s High
Plant Protein. HMB, Vitamin D, all right here.... This is the big turnaround for
me. This is
the reason why people come to me... saying, “Hey man, you look different.
going on? Hey you’re stronger. What’s going on?
This powerhouse nutrient combination was responsible for increased
muscle mass,
strength/ and mobility in multiple clinical studies performed on older
and hospitalized
individuals... Most remarkably—the studies found these nutrient
compounds helped
the body preserve and even increase muscle mass without having to
Tony Horton: “I can’t get everybody to exercise. I wish I could...So the idea
here is, why
not create a solution for people who can still see results without having to
because it really comes down to nutrition first... it’s the nutrition that’s gonna
help you
build muscle. And that’s what HMB and Vitamin D does, whether you exercise
whether you don’t and that’s really cool. That’s really powerful and the studies
proved it.”
Tony Horton:
The clinically-studied mixture of HMB and Vitamin D is the star of my vegan
blend...but we added a number of other ingredients to make PowerLife High
Protein a formula above and beyond anything else on the market today.
One of the most important ingredients is a specialized digestive enzyme
called Pro-
hydro-lase, which helps break down protein into its most bioavailable form...
all those amino acids and nutrients will be ready immediately for your body to
and use... which means you’re going to see results a lot faster than with other
Prohydrolase has shown in studies to help break down protein efficiently and
completely, reducing the time protein spends in your digestive system, which
can cause
We also included a nutritious superfood called
Chlorella: an algae powder high in
protein, carotenoids, vitamins and minerals that
helps detoxify the body
. It also contains
a rich source of prebiotic fiber, which is also great for digestion, and supports
system health.
Finally, High-Impact Plant Protein from PowerLife by Tony Horton contains the
nutrient Chromium. Chromium helps the body more effectively process
reduces carb cravings, improves insulin efficiency, and helps you burn fat
maintaining lean muscle mass. That means this formula doesn’t just help you
stronger... it can also help you lose weight, with more muscle and less fat.
The result is a protein formula unlike anything ever created before now.
Tony Horton:
“You know, at the end of the day, what I really wanted to do was create a
formulation to
help everybody maximize their muscle mass, and that's exactly what this
formula does.”
Tony Horton:
High Impact Plant Protein from PowerLife by Tony Horton helps your body
fight back
against age-related muscle loss. And the amazing thing is, you don’t have to
wait until
you see the signs of weak muscles. This formula is for EVERYBODY,
including younger
folks in their 20s, 30s, and 40s who want to maintain and build muscle better
than they
ever have before- and want to stave-off the inevitable weakening of muscle
naturally comes with age.
But this formula is especially great for those of you moving into middle age
and beyond,
when most everyone starts to experience muscle loss at a rate of about 1% a
When routine activities gradually become more and more difficult— Things
begin feeling
a little heavier, the body tires more quickly, muscles become a bit more sore...
takes longer.
That’s when our High Impact Plant Protein really does the job of bringing you
back to
feeling your strongest self.
With High Impact Plant Protein from PowerLife, my team and I have built upon
perfected the protein formula that helped me return to full strength.
And you don’t have to be a fitness freak like me. This formula works for
any age, no matter what kind of shape they’re in.
Tony Horton:
“So, people are like, ‘Oh right, Tony, those sound like some pretty big claims.
But all I’m
doing is adding the right ingredients to parts of your body that weren’t getting
ingredients before. And that’s why whether you exercise or you don’t you’re
gonna see
In addition, PowerLife High Impact Plant Protein helps improve digestion and
food cravings - especially for carbohydrates... all of which support your body’s
ability to
convert more of your calories to energy... burn your food as fuel instead of
storing it as
fat... and help you slim down.
Tony Horton:
“So, this is it man, what I consider the next generation protein powder, the
magic elixir
for me, You ready for a little taste?”
“One glass for you, one glass for me. Super simple, not complicated
“’s not like you have to do anything other than add the protein powder itself
and a
little bit of water...”
Tony Horton:
The best thing about this formula it’s so easy to use. Just mix a scoop of it into
water and stir. It mixes up really nicely in just water—not clumpy like a lot of
powders. And if you’re feeling more ambitious, use almond milk or make a
with coconut milk— whatever you like.
An extra added plus—my team found a way to make High Impact Protein in
chocolate and vanilla —it tastes amazing it tastes pretty darn good with just
Tony Horton:
“You’re somebody who does yoga. you love to dance, and you notice that
when you’re
walking your dogs you’re having these certain strains and you’re losing your
vim and
vigor, this is gonna change that.”
Jeanette Vigne: “How soon will I start seeing results, you think?”
Tony Horton: “On average you’ll notice in a couple of weeks...”
Tony Horton:
“Two weeks into it-bang all of a sudden I am feeling stronger. I am getting
better, I a
recovering better. I am sleeping better. It was just...this huge difference for
Joseph Miller: “Will it help me am I too old?”
Tony Horton:
“We have age related muscle loss, sorry that’s what’s happening Were not
We’re not in our 20s anymore. So we have to find solutions that help
you, to
help me, and even for people coming out of surgery right, people who don’t
exercise it
helps those people as well.”
Tony Horton:
“From where you are now at 51 and the gentleman at 89...That’s a slow
slide...into a
lifestyle you don’t want... and so we can prevent that, and that’s powerful.”
Tony Horton:
Remember, Protein is only as good as the amount your body can absorb.
Thanks to our
digestive enzyme— Pro-hydrolase— all the remarkable nutrients in our
formula will be
metabolized immediately and will quickly make a beeline to your muscles —
so you’ll
start noticing the effects right away.
Joseph Miller: “Can I get arms like this?”
Tony Horton: “Yeah...sure I can help build up your arms, but the point here is
to be able
to prevent what happened to your dad to happen to you, you know what I
mean. That’s
really really important because it’s about longevity and quality of life. Right for
us, we’re
not walking the beach with our shirts off anymore. Okay, we’re not trying to
attract the
Joseph Miller: “wait a minute...”
Tony Horton: “well maybe we are”
Joseph Miller: “I do”
Tony Horton:
High Impact Plant Protein from PowerLife by Tony Horton is available now—
anybody, any age, any fitness level —, looking to be active and strong,
healthy and vital
in all of stages of life.
Tony Horton:
“We spent so much time trying to figure this out and now we finally have so
here’s to
Tony Horton: “To your health my friend.”
Theodore: “To your health, sir.”
Now if you’re wondering where you can get this High Impact Plant Protein
formula, you
should know: PowerLife is NOT available in stores.
Sure, you could probably go buy a really high-quality protein powder AND buy
HMB and
Vitamin D separately...
You might even be able to find some of the other ingredients I’ve included in
this formula
too... like Chromium, Chlorella, or our specialized digestive enzyme, if you
look hard
But the thing is, you’d be spending hundreds of dollars a month.
I know, because I used to buy these ingredients myself when I was trying out
combinations to get healthy again!
Now that’s a lot of money - too much for most folks.
So, my team and I wanted to come up with a way to make this formula easy to
use, and
My distributor tells me that when PowerLife does eventually go into stores, it
will retail
for around $69.95...
Which is a lot cheaper than buying all these ingredients separately. Plus, you
get them
all in one simple, delicious scoop!
But if you watched this entire video, I know you’re serious about not just your
health, but
your happiness too...
You want to be out there movin’
and groovin
’... not sitting around waiting months or
years for this to be in stores.
That’s why we’ve worked out a special deal that allows you to order this
formula directly
from us and get all the AMAZING results right now.
So, if you order PowerLife’s High-Impact Protein today, you’re not going to
hundreds of dollars on these powerful ingredients. You won’t even spend
Because you’re ordering from us with no middle-man, we’re able to
dramatically lower
the price of our High Impact Plant Protein to just $49.95.
That’s 20 bucks off the retail price!
But that price is only for people who watch this video, and only while supplies
When this webpage closes, PowerLife’s High Impact Plant Protein Powder will
only be
available on our website for the regular price of $69.95.
And listen to this...
We’ve been getting such great feedback on PowerLife’s Protein formula
people are
asking for more - a LOT more - because they see the effect this has on their
bodies and
their strength, what they’re able to do now that they couldn’t just a short time
That’s why we’ve introducing discounted packages of 3 or 6 jars of PowerLife,
that let
you save even more: up to $165 off the retail price, which is incredible.
These savings options are great if you want to have more than one serving
per day,
which I really recommend if you want to give your muscles the best chance of
getting as
strong as possible as quickly as possible....
Which means for you folks who maybe haven’t exercised in a while and
really feel a
need to make up for lost muscle mass...Or perhaps you’ve already begun
that it’s getting more difficult — for example — to lift yourself up off the
chair from a
sitting position... Or that the top to that jar of pickles seems harder lately to
off ...then I recommend bumping your servings of High Impact Protein to a
One in the morning, and one a
later in the day - Doubling up will really give your muscles the boost they
need, to
get back up to having the strength to perform all those daily activities that
make for a
high-quality life. When your body has built itself up to full strength again--
then one
serving a day should be plenty.
Remember - it would be impossible to eat enough protein on your own to get
to the
levels of HMB— the nutrient that builds muscle— that you would need to gain
any real
You can get HMB from meat, fruits and vegetables... although it’s difficult to
get enough
of it from food to make much of a difference. That’s because only 5% of all
leucine is
converted into HMB. So even if you pack your meals with protein... you
couldn’t eat
enough to get enough HMB to see dramatic muscle building results.
In fact, to get the amounts of HMB used in most of the studies done on it, you
need to consume about 600 grams of protein a day - which is about 100 eggs!
Or, you could just have 1-2 scoops of Power-Life’s High-Impact Protein and
get the
same incredible muscle building results - without the calories.
A lot of our customers also like these larger discount packages because they
friends and family they know can benefit from a Vegan formula protein powder
and they
want to give it to their loved ones as well.
So, if that’s you, I definitely recommend the 3 and 6 jar value pack - which
allows you to
save the most by getting PowerLife at the best possible price.
Think of the thousands of dollars people spend on hospital bills, costly
medicine, home care, and so much else that can add up in the wake of a fall